Additional adjustable criteria available in Method xi

We are delighted to announce the launch of additional adjustable lenders criteria in Method xi

Published 19th Mar 2020

Additional Criteria
Additional Criteria
Additional Criteria

You can now adjust the systems settings and filter the potential pool of surveyors, ensuring that only those who meet the lender’s criteria can quote for a valuation or receive a valuation instruction through the Method xi system.


The additional adjustable criteria allow you to set:

  • The Post RICS Qualification you require for Valuers and Counter-Signatories
  • The number of Directors or Partners you require a Panel Valuer to have
  • Whether AssocRICS qualified valuers can act on your behalf
  • The Maximum PII Excess you will allow a Panel Valuer to have
  • An override to the Maximum PII Excess Criteria so that you can exempt National Panel Valuers with substantial PII excesses

The adjustable settings are available through the Criteria Settings page which allows a Control Level User at a Lender Client to make these changes.

The Criteria Settings Page is one of 3 options available through the Settings Navigation Option of the Lender Portal. The other two pages allow a Control Level User to set packager access on behalf of the lender and adjust the SLAs they require the panel valuers to work to.

Please note that if you adjust these settings you will alter who is selected to undertake work on your behalf. This is why access to the Criteria Settings Page is restricted to control users.

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Method xi - the cutting edge panel management software solution. Method guarantees a clear, consistent, and reliable valuation service that minimises risk to your loan book.

If you would like to see how method can help your business, get in touch via email or call us on 01642 269 306


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